Monday, November 22, 2010

Molly, Addie and Ellie

One of my favorite little girls to shoot is living with a chronic illness, diabetes. A few months ago her mom sent around a video invite to a walk they had in Houston to support research into a cure for juvenile diabetes. Unfortunately I was already booked for that weekend and couldn't walk, so instead I did a mini shoot of the family in their "Addie's Hope for a Cure" shirts!

This is big sister Molly.

Next is Addie! Here's her video about living with juvenile diabetes. (I was going to inbed the video, but it's late and I can't quite figure it out...anyone want to help me with this?)

Last, but not least, is Miss Ellie!

The girls with their grandparents, Modge and Podge (aren't those the cutest grandparent names?)

Sweet sisters!

Rockstar Addie!


  1. I am in tears. You captured our family just that way I see us everyday. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Sarah. These pictures mean the world to me.

  2. What beautiful pictures for a beautiful cause.
