Little Miss Sweet Cheeks here is baby Xenia! She's named for this saint, and is the youngest of three sisters.
Isn't she just a doll baby? I think one of my facebook commentators* said it best when they said her cheeks were "fluffy". She makes you want to pick her up and squeeze her!
Xenia's mom owns/operates the local organic/natural parenting store, Cloud 9 Baby. If you are interested in cloth diapering, or are just looking for a good sling or organic children's clothing you should check them out!
I just love how cloth diapers photograph! They make for a cleaner image then the (often patterned) disposable diapers.
Love her ladylike hand placement here!
* I have a facebook page and I update it frequently so if you are waiting on a sneak peek of your images check me out there, it's a lot easier during this hectic time of year then putting up an entire blog post!
Our little cutie! Sarah, thanks for are too sweet with all of your comments and notes you write. I am impressed by your attention to detail, not only when you take pictures, but when you are talking to someone! You are too kind :)