Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ekaterina, Tatiana, and Xenia

I shot a lovely group of three sisters the other day. I have three sisters myself, and I know how much fun sisters are so it made me happy to see these three interact!

This is the eldest Ekaterina

This is the middlest, Tatiana

Such stunning girls!

The whole family!

This is the baby, Xenia. I think she is the most perfect doll baby!

1 comment:

  1. The pictures are wonderful, Tatiana's my Goddaughter, so I'm But everyone of these pictures are gorgeous.....its as if you've captured Katya and Tatiana's personalities on're a very talented photographer, but you couldnt miss with my favorite family.....
    I look forward to te pictures you take in the future when Xenia's walking....

    thank you,

