Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Jackson & Andrew

Shortly after we started this family shoot it started to rain...so we spent about 10 minutes under the overhang at the Bush Library hoping the rain would go away.... and we got lucky and it totally did! (this is not usually the case, ha!)

Andrew loves his mommy!

When we put Jackson down near Andrew for a brothers shot it amused me how he decided to hold him in place ;) Andrew was 6-months-old when we shot these and he's now 8 months and walking...so Jackson knew he'd need to hold him down to keep him still! That Andrew is a mover and a shaker!

Mama and her first baby

Oh man. Fat babies are the BEST! ...and despite how contorted Andrew's arm chub looks, it didn't seem to bother him in the least (except when he got his arms stuck under his body as he army crawled along).

This boy can move!

He was really motivated by block towers and his desire to knock them over. ;)

Nom, nom, nom, nom. That's all I have to say here.

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