Monday, August 5, 2013

Laura & Javier

I loved shooting this family! Don't they look so happy to be together?

I'm going to let you in on a little confession, most photographers who shoot babies find the 3-4 month old range to be the hardest to shoot. There's a lot of reasons for this and most of them include the fact that at this age most babies don't stay awake for very long at this age, the things that make them smile are unpredictable, and they aren't really very posable except for being held or lying on their backs. I like to go into shoots with this age with a plan, and I like to be very flexible about the types of images we get. But, man. Javier knocked it out of the park, the happiest little guy ever! And those big blue eyes! *swoons*

Laura took a minute to warm up and really wanted to wear her fairy wings...a detail I LOVE. You want your images to look like your kids, and I feel like these fairy wings probably get wore a lot by this little Miss!

Seriously. Happiest. Baby. Ever.

We really wanted to focus on a lot of images of Javier and his mama together. Mama+baby images can be hard to get when the mama is the primary household photographer, and they are priceless! No mother ever thought "You know, I have way too many images of me and my babies". Take lots of pictures of you and your babies, you will not regret it. (and  your children will LOVE having them later).

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