Thursday, September 19, 2013


This family drove from Houston for their newborn shoot with Miss Heidi. (Which is equal parts flattering and crazy) traveling with a newborn is not easy! However, when your newborn is 10lbs 2oz at birth like Miss Heidi here, maybe they think they're 3-months-old already. ;)

Hey, Jude! Are you excited to be a big brother? :)

Beautiful ladies!

I love baby yawns.

This beautiful bonnet is from Julie Jennings who runs And What Not, a College Station based  knitting shop. She is SUPER fast, and a pleasure to work with.

This pretty bonnet is from this etsy shop. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. Now that I'm married, I have resolved to only buy newborn props that I would put on my own newborn. This is one of those props. ;) Bonnet from here, and the shop owner is a pleasure to work with!

Heidi's name has family significance, but they also picked it based on the last line of the book Heidi, so I included it on one of her images.

Then we went outside to finish off the shoot. :)

1 comment:

  1. So in love with these, Sarah... you have a true gift! Thank you for blessing us with these- they are priceless!
