Sunday, October 20, 2013

Paxton & Reagan

This is a family shoot I did at the Bush library to celebrate this little bug turning 1!

I love how babies reach for their mama's faces when they're being held up in the air, and I love how this pose still shows off how tiny Reagan still is.

Snuggly babies are the most fun to hold.

Both the little girls in this family are total posers and I love it. Behold Reagan posing.

And now Paxton! (both unprompted of course)

Sweet sisters!

If I had to vote which little girl, out of all the little girls I shoot, is most like a disney princess I would probably have to pick Paxton. This baby girl is so adorably girly it cracks me up. First of all she grows hair like it's her job, secondly when she's bored or excited she plays with with her hair (example below) and if she's posing she clasps her hands. Ridiculously adorable.

Paxton's mommy does stroller she doesn't just push her baby, she exercises with it ;)

Then we went to their house to do a cake smash with Miss Reagan. This was after her birthday, so we got to use all her awesome party decorations as props!

How cool is the party accent wall? And it made a great backdrop. I was pretty giddy over it like Reagan here!

The one picture of Reagan happy to be next to cake.

But then she realized it was there!

Luckily big sister was willing to fill in!

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