Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Bump that is My Nephew!

Hey. Did you know my little sister is pregnant?

You are thinking about now, "Oh sweet Moses, of course we know Lydia is pregnant! It's all you've talked about for the last 8.5 months!" Which is probably a pretty valid point, I just can help myself! A baby! That's pretty much the best thing ever and a baby who I can do any pose/wild idea I want on? (I'm smiling just thinking about it).

Anyways, Lydia and her husband Chris came into town on their two year wedding anniversary and we did a maternity photoshoot in the middle of the day, which meant it all had to happen indoors and it was a different and fun session.

We started at Spoons, I just love the tile walls there! (There's another Spoons picture at the bottom of the post; the one that was on my facebook page).

The we moved on to Blue Baker

About to pop?

Grow a baby is hard work and requires a lot of sleep, so we headed back to my house.

Then we messed around with some abstracts. (Lydia would like you to know she's clothed here).

I'm pretty sure they have the final contenders picked out, but I'm not sure if they've picked "the" name yet. So we documented this confusion. Want to leave her a name idea in the comments?


William said...

I like either of the two names that are circled, though one I am a little more biased towards. ;)

Gabby Malcuit said...

Cady thinks the name should be "Bah" (Barney).

Judy Giles said...

I like the name Smith