These two little ladies are Ainsley and Avery.

Group hugs :)

Doesn't Ainsley have the most beautiful hair?

At 19-months Avery is at that crazy/active toddler stage, and she did not want to stop moving one bit for pictures! However, the flip side of this age is that they don't give you fake expressions, all the smiles are real!

4-year-olds have such great imaginations! Here's Ainsley pretending to be a puppy. I used to babysit a little girl who
always wanted to pretend to be lions, (Hi Meggie!) and it's such a neat developmental step to catch . If your child does something all the time we definitely want a picture of it, it will mean a lot to you when they're outgrown that stage.

Hey! This puppy wants to play outside!

Last but not least, Ainsley made me a sweet necklace! She designed it the night before I came to do her shoot and she even incorporated butterflies in it! Isn't that neat?
For new clients; this is a photoshopped version of what I look like. Ha! So look for something like this when I meet up with you to do our shoot!
1 comment:
Great pictures! And Sarah, you're so beautiful, beads and all! :)
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