Sometimes I have clients offer up suggestions for new locations which I love as it's always fun to see new places and have different backdrops! With this shoot, the mom suggested Boonesville cemetery as a location to do our shoot at. At first I was a bit apprehensive as cemetery photography can be awesome but I wasn't sure how it would translate to a 1-year-old shoot. However, I'm so glad I got too shoot there as it was the perfect backdrop. Nicole you have an eye for picking locations! :)
The Boonesville cemetery is primarily a civil war cemetery and only about 1/4 of the fenced in cemetery has graves in it. The rest is old post oak trees with interlacing branches, waist high grass and fields of Indian paintbrushes. It was the perfect location! (Although I say "was" as the grass has now all been shorn, and the flowers are gone so it's lost a lot of it's flavor.)
Sweet William!

Big sister Faith. She was such a trooper and was a great little model despite the grass bothering her.

See how pretty the Indian paint brushes were?

I love, love, love her expressions! She is too cute!

I love the backlighting.
Thanks Amy! That's my favorite kind of lighting too!
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