Almost two years ago I did a photo shoot for a Tyler family, those images can be seen
here. Even then they were already waiting for a sibling to join them from Ethiopia. At that time they didn't know if they were getting a brother or a sister, as their parents had applied for a child on the logic that you don't get to choose the gender when you birth a child and that they were allowing God to pick their baby for them. God picked little Mezekir of them and the story of his journey home can be found on their blog,
This is handsome Hunter, the eldest brother.

Sweet Miss Ann Elizabeth (still the only girl! Although, perhaps not for long)

The former baby of the family, Mr. Preston.

New and improved family!

We did these pictures the day after they arrived in Texas from a month long trip to Ethiopia! It probably wasn't the very best time to do a shoot with jet-lagged people, but we wanted to capture the very minute Mezekir joined his family and document how small he was when they got him. (I am about 6 weeks behind on posting images to this blog. He in now sitting up and trying to crawl, neither of which he could do when they arrived in Texas.)
Anyways this is sweet Mezekir smiling and being such a trooper despite jet lag. Mezekir is Amharic for "remembered" and was given to him by his birth mother, I'm so pleased they're keeping it for him.

Have you ever seen a cuter baby?

Ann-E and her new baby brother

Babies in hats! There's nothing better!

Hunter and his new baby brother (Poor Preston missed out on a picture with Mez, as he kept trying to fall asleep!)

Then Mezekir decided he had had
enough, got comforted by his mama and fell asleep himself.

Sleeping babies in hats? Even better.

Mez loves his Daddy!

...and his Mama!

1 comment:
Oh my GOLLY, that is one BEAUTIFUL baby!!!!
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