Monday, September 30, 2013

Jackson & Delaney

I love shooting the same families over and over again and getting to see their babies getting bigger! I started shooting this family when we did maternity photos for the bump that turned out to hold a Miss Delaney!

Isn't this a great looking bunch of people?

I love that you can even tell in the photos that these two like each other a little bit ;)

Also, this baby girl could not have more striking eyes if she tried ;)

...and Jackson is at my favorite big kid age! Missing teeth for the win! There's just something about missing teeth that feel like a Norman Rockwell subject, all mischievous and animated.

Such a great big brother! 

Delaney did some twirls for us to show off her dress. I love her "tada!" hands in the last image!

I could have filled a blogpost with faces like this Jackson made for me ;) He is a cut up!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


This adorable girl is 2, but I'm pretty sure she think she is 16. Completely chock full of sass ;)

I hope my future babies have curly hair! I LOVE it!

This is one animated toddler! I love her expressions! We put her in an Audrey tutu/ tiara and she was rocking to her favorite tunes.

Cheese face! (Can't you feel the happiness?)

This one is my favorite, her "dance moves" face.

Annaliese at 4

 This sweet girl turned 4 years old recently so we took her out to a friends ranch and got some photos of her.

 I met Anna when she was 2-months-old, and it amuses me how consistent this kiddo is. I think she must know her lips are one of her most photogenic features, becasue she likes to put on an almost sad, pouting face in pictures. She can be in the middle of giggling and if you asked her to do an "Anna face" she can clear her expression and start the pout, which is pretty self aware for a 4-year-old! I shoot a lot of adults who don't know their best angles ;)

Also, this kid is a tiny poser, and I love it!

The headband is from Cozette Coulture I believe.

Anna's party was Minnie themed, so we did a few of those last.

Here's two SOOC (Straight out of camera) shots that I merged into one because I preferred the face on the left, and the dress on the right.  

Then we did a mini shoot with Anna's sisters to get some "last days of summer" shots. How cute are these kids?

Sprinkler shots feel like classical childhood shots, so I like them best in black and white. Here's adorable Miss Millicent!

Anna was feeling cold (only in Texas ya'll it had to have been 90+ degrees outside) so Caroline was trying to talk her into another dash through the sprinkler. Love Caro's cheerleader levels of enthusiasm. :)