This sweet boy is Caden, he turned one right after we did this mini shoot. Isn't he the cutest thing?

We did this shoot at Spoons, they have been so gracious about allowing shoots and I love their tiled walls ands their blackboards! (Not to mention that their yogurt is delicious!)

Then we headed to the Bush library to do some family shots. It was high noon on a bright sunny day when we did these and I was a little nervous (it's not ideal lighting wise) but they came out great. Apparently I should shoot that that time more often! ;)

Caden and Daddy

Caden and mommy

Pretty family

Then Caden was DONE. Ha!

Caden has a
great big birthday party, way too big to document here but I thought I'd put two of the images up that were particularly adorable.

He also shared his birthday with his poppa, they are 75 and 1. I love how they seem to be communicating "all this fuss for us?" in this picture!
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