Goodness! All this Christmas editing is getting overwhelming! So I thought I'd take a breather and post my favorite thing to shoot, a newborn!
This gorgeous little one is Miss Kamryn!

The whole family

Kamryn's mom wanted non-traditional colors for her little girl's photos (no pink!) and Kamryn has gorgeous coloring that let us play with some brighter colors. This is a roll of fabric her mom had, isn't it neat? I love how personalized these images are too, nobody else is going to have newborn photos quite like this!

You can tell they are really, truly in a deep state of sleep when their little mouths hang open!

Kamryn in one of my new cocoons ( I have three; green, red and tan) that Megan from
Naylormade Photography graciously made me!

I think she probably wins the "most hair on a baby" award out of all the newborns I've shot...which is saying quite a lot!

Kamryn in her daddy hands

I really think I'm getting better at this pose!
Kamryn jest cudownym dzieckiem. Widać na zdjęciach,że przyszła na świat w szczęśliwej rodzinie.Życzę Jej i całej Waszej rodzinie wiele szczęścia.
Ania z Będzina (znajoma Taty)
We come to your site when we want to see something beautiful, thanks for not disappointing!
Mike & Judy
she is a heart throb....glad to see she has two big brothers.
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